I’ve been thinking about what is it that can describe me and I discovered, after a lot of time staring at my computer, that I am a lot of things and having to place myself in a box or two has become an impossible task. Good thing I don’t have to!

In my “standard” life achievements section I am an Industrial Designer, a Holistic Life Coach.

In my not so standard section, I have dedicated the last two years of my life to my personal development and from my life experience (and that of all the masters of the books and courses I took) I created a toolbox of life tools for different areas of life. I like to call it “The bag we carry” and the idea behind is it to really look at

  • Our roots: Understand – Select – Unlearn.
  • Our present: Scan – Learn – Action.
  • Our future: Imagine – Create – Trust

Stay tuned because more is coming soon!